11 Dec

manufacture date from serial number??

※ Download: Stevens double barrel shotgun serial numbers

Stevens 311A Serial Number

stevens double barrel shotgun serial numbers

Fox Sterlingworth serial numbers back in 1989, when I was doing research at the Library of Congress on all things Fox, after work, and feeding my information to Mike McIntosh for his book on Ansley H. More fun than a barrel of monkeys! I have just bought a Stevens Model 311 double for my collection. If those parts were available I was considering getting it fixed and passing it on to my son as a sentimental keepsake. None listed at Jack First nor Wiesners either. Since Savage used 5 letters A to E , each on 999,999 guns, they must have made about 5 million guns. The sole purpose of this site is to provide an online community for those who wish to interact with other Savage firearm enthusiasts. Just a letter in the circle does not give you the manufacture date.

Help with old Double Barrel identification

stevens double barrel shotgun serial numbers

By my research it appears, so far anyway, that my gun was made in the mid 20's. The sentimental value of the gun outweighs any dollar figure I could assign to it. Hello All, I know this is an old thread but need some assistance with an old dbl bbl shotgun, a Stevens Model 5100 16ga. Does anybody know when they made the model 335 with a serial number? Western Auto etc with serial numbers used in no particular fashion. The person who stamped it did not have the tool square, and the bottom of the circle and numbers or letters did not stamp. My barrel was cut at some point to 19 inches, my grandfather used it as his under the counter self defense gun at his auto repair shop back in the early 60s.


stevens double barrel shotgun serial numbers

Savage 24D: This is one series I'm still figuring out Separated barrels; Monte Carlo type stocks on some but always with checkering on stock and forearm unlike the standard stocks. As several manufacturers would later do with other , Stevens adopted the , developed by Francis J. I have a 311 like blackhawkfan in 20 gauge. These, though less well known than or firearms, were of comparable quality. Stevens used plain numbers from their first double in 1878 until 1913. The first time I saw one I thought it was a Frankenstein someone who didn't know better put together. I just looked more closely at the last advert 1927? Savage dropped the Stevens name in 1991 but revived it in 1999 and still uses it today for a number of its low cost rifles and shotguns.

Model 235, J. Stevens double shotgun

stevens double barrel shotgun serial numbers

Also, it can be found on the bottom of the the gun just before the break in front of the trigger guard possibly between the two screws. Stevens introduced the Model 87 in 1938, which sold over one million units. If so I wouldn't fire it until a gunsmith has seen it. If so, Isn't that conflicting information? These had Stevens markings on them. Some carry a 'Browning's Patent' marking on the bbl, others not. Their earliest product was a single shot pistol.

manufacture date from serial number??

stevens double barrel shotgun serial numbers

I would strongly suggest that, with a possible 100th birthday approaching, your nice bit of family history should be retired to a place of honor above the fireplace- where you can tell the kids outrageous stories about how Great-Aunt Bessie used it to run off the hobo that was trying to steal her chickens. Nice bit of family history to have. End of bbl was swaged slightly for installation. In 1886, the company was reorganized and as J. It has operated as an indiependant sub-division since then. Wow, thank you c3shooter, for the immediate reply. The only thing I don't like about my Overland is that I do not get enough trigger time on it if I go out with other shooters, as they tend to spend more time shooting it than I do.

Help with old Double Barrel identification

stevens double barrel shotgun serial numbers

In a cut in the inner left rec'vr wall, rear of the carrier. I could use your help identifying a Stevens 16 ga single shot shotgun that belonged to my father who was born in 1911. For instance, I have serial numbers but no model number, I have a stamp on the outside bottom receiver but, its a circle with the number 22 in it only. I was also informed by Researcher that Stevens produced 520s marked as being made by them in 12 bore only. No, as far as I have learned, there was no difference on what Gauge they were. A Short Illustrated History of the Savage Arms Company 1895 to 1945.

Stevens shotgun

stevens double barrel shotgun serial numbers

I understand that I could have purchased another more expensive and nicer shotgun for what I will be spending on this Stevens 311C but,. Product DescriptionEventually known as simply Stevens Arms, the J. My opinion only i could be mistaken. People like you make this site a treasure chest of info. What condition is the barrel in? I just scrounged up a Western Field 16 that is the early version with a four-digit serial number that I'd like to figure out.

Stevens 311 C....How to determine Date of Manufacture

stevens double barrel shotgun serial numbers

Anyone know where I could get one in fireable condition to purchase? She told me that she saw H2 or H3 she couldn't be certain about the number inside a circle. Can anyone elaborate on this outline? I see a loop which I presumed was part of an 8 or 9, but it might have been a 6 too. The company introduced the round and made a number of , , and target designs. Government and keep the Stevens firearms facility operational and did return to limited production of civilian firearms between 1917-1920 while looking for a buyer for Stevens. Can you believe how little information is out there on this popular gun? To get an idea of choke measure the barrel and the muzzle and subtract the difference is choke constriction. I'm going to take it to a local shop and have them gauge the barrels to see for sure.

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